TIBCO is a leader offering products and services in the EAI (Enterprise Architecture Integration), particularly Message-Oriented-Middleware (MOM).
Using its own implementation of JMS calles EMS and the more robust one called Rendezvous (RV)
The brilliance of TIBCO is in its adapters, which enable database-centric applications to become message-oriented participants in the new flexible SOA world where a wide variety of applications all work together by passing various types of messages to each other through a common “Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)”.
Also the Desinger tool is claimed to be very easy and GUI oriented way of developing, minimizing the time of developement.
TIBCO most important products:
* BusinessWorks to design and deploy integration of applications through adapters that interact through a common ESB (Enterprise Service Bus).
* Rendezvous (RV) rvrd which offers a more robust Java Messaging Service (across subnets) than Sun’s JMS.
Enterprise Message Service (EMS) 4 lets application programs send and receive messages using the Java Message Service (JMS) protocol. It also supports WSMF (Web Services Management Framework) for two-way communication with Enterprise Management Systems such as HP Openview. It competes with FioranoMQ 2007, Sonic MQ 7.0, and ActiveMQ 4.1.0.
* Hawk provides an RV-based framework for TIBCO monitoring mechanisms, which include the TIBCO Administrator. A Hawk agent is installed on each machine monitored.
For monitoring, I did not found Hawk as required and so far nothing special about it. It offer basic options as “send e-mail”,”execute script”.
Its is possible to do most of the monitoring via JMX to enable it add to the .tra

To monitor a queue its possibel to use the tibemsadmin and elaborate a bash:
cd /opt/tibco/ems/6.1/bin
# ./tibemsadmin -server “tcp://localhost:7222” -user admin -password “,.123123..” -script queue
Command: show queues “TESTE.CLIENTE.*”
All Msgs Persistent Msgs
Queue Name SNFGXIBCT Pre Rcvrs Msgs Size Msgs Size
* TESTE.CLIENTE.ERROR ——— 5* 0 9 2.5 Kb 9 2.5 Kb
* TESTE.CLIENTE.SUCCESS ——— 5* 0 6 2.1 Kb 6 2.1 Kb
# cat queue
show queues “TESTE.CLIENTE.*”
Certification Exams on TIBCO
Scripture “If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” —Revelation 20:15 (NIV)
Here is a compact comparison of TIBCO Certifications
Acronymn TIBCO Certified … ID $USD Questions Duration Pass%
TCSA SOA Architect TB0-109 $250 46 1 hour 30 minutes 67%
TCP Professional for TIBCO BusinessWorks 5 TB0-107 $250 59 1 hour 15 minutes 62%
TCP Professional for TIBCO Rendezvous 7 TB0-106 $250 55 1 hour 15 minutes 61%
TCP Professional for TIBCO iProcess Modeler 10 TB0-108 $250 55 1 hour 15 minutes 70%
TCP Professional for TIBCO EMS 4 TB0-104 $250 55 1 hour 15 minutes 67%
Product and Service Pricing
TIBCO uses a 3 year subscription model.
TIBCO is one of the most complete EAI platforms, and charges accordingly.
Because of its complexity and annoying quirks, TIBCO people are difficult to find and relatively expensive.
So a simple bash script to monitor a queue poending itens would be:
here is the code:

Here is the code:

# Verifica qnts mensagens existem na fila EMS do SAP IN
# Felipe Ferreira 05/2014
if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
	echo "Usage $0  "
	exit 2
N=`/opt/tibco/ems/8.0/bin/tibemsadmin64 -server "tcp://localhost:7222" -user "admin" -password "YOURPASSWORD" -script /opt/scrip_ems |grep "ing Msgs:" |awk {' print $3'} |cut -d "," -f1`
MSG="Existem $N itens pendentes na fila SAP|fila_sap=${N}"
if [ $N -ge $C ]; then
 echo "CRITICAL - $MSG"
 exit 2
elif [ $N -ge $W ]; then
 echo "WARNING - $MSG"
 exit 1
 echo "OK - $MSG"
 exit 0

The content of /opt/scrip_ems
show queue EMS.SAP

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5 thoughts on “TIBCO

  1. Dear Felipe,
    I am working in a project which uses EMS. An simple java application should reports some statistics about this jms (Tibco ems). I would like to know if it’s possible to do that using only JMX (Without the Hawk agent provided by Tibco).
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Bruno,
      Yes its possible to get the status of the queue using this tools.
      I have not yet done it, but you could write a simple bash script for it.

  2. Hi could you please explain lines of this shell script ??. Thanks in advance
    # Verifica qnts mensagens existem na fila EMS do SAP # Felipe Ferreira 05/2014
    if [ ! -z “$2” ]; then
    echo “Usage $0 ”
    exit 2
    N=`/opt/tibco/ems/8.0/bin/tibemsadmin64 -server “tcp://localhost:7222” -user “admin” -password “YOURPASSWORD” -script /opt/scrip_ems |grep “ing Msgs:” |awk {‘ print $3’} |cut -d “,” -f1`
    MSG=”Existem $N itens pendentes na fila SAP|fila_sap=${N}”
    if [ $N -ge $C ]; then
    echo “CRITICAL – $MSG”
    exit 2
    elif [ $N -ge $W ]; then
    echo “WARNING – $MSG”
    exit 1
    echo “OK – $MSG”
    exit 0

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