Simple script to check if the varnish daemon has been restarted latelly
Here is the code:
#!/bin/bash #Get current varnish uptime #Version 1.0 #By Felipe Ferreira Set 2013 #Variables CRIT=900 #Check arguments print help if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [ uptime(sec)]" exit 3 else CRIT=$1 fi function show_time () { num=$1 min=0 hour=0 day=0 if((num>59));then ((sec=num%60)) ((num=num/60)) if((num>59));then ((min=num%60)) ((num=num/60)) if((num>23));then ((hour=num%24)) ((day=num/24)) else ((hour=num)) fi else ((min=num)) fi else ((sec=num)) fi echo "$day"d "$hour"h "$min"m "$sec"s } ###################################### MAIN ################################ result=`varnishstat -1 |grep uptime |awk '{print $2}'` uptime=`show_time $result` MSG="Uptime $uptime , $result seg.|uptime=$result" if [ $result -lt $CRIT ]; then OUTPUT="CRITICAL - $MSG" exitstatus=2 fi if [ $result -gt $CRIT ];then OUTPUT="OK - $MSG" exitstatus=0 fi echo $OUTPUT exit $exitstatus