1.Download and install the centreon-syslog-server
# wget http://forge.centreon.com/attachments/download/568/centreon-syslog-server-1.1.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf centreon-syslog-server-1.1.tar.gz
# cd centreon-syslog-server-1.1.tar.gz
# chmod +x install.sh
# bash install.sh -i
go thru the interactive setup, u will need the mysql root pass.
Make note of the new syslog user created
2. Download and install centreon-syslog-frontend
wget http://forge.centreon.com/attachments/download/567/centreon-syslog-frontend-1.2.1.tar.gz
# cd centreon-syslog-frontend-1.2.1.tar.gz
# chmod +x install.sh
# bash install.sh -i
the folder of “instCentWeb.conf” should be /etc/centreon
3.Go on Centreon web interface
Go on menu ‘Administration > Modules > Setup’.
Syslog module must be present on modules list but not installed.
Click on right icon to start installation
4. Go on menu ‘Administration > Modules > Syslog configuration’.
Fill the fields
5. Go on menu ‘Monitoring > Syslog > Monitoring’
6. On windows machine install the Centreon E2S, wich will forward
the events you filter to the syslog centreon server.
download from here:
Change the config.ini IP of the server
Make sure the centreon server rsyslog is listening in port UDP 514
Also u will need ssh2 library to work in php and apache
# wget
# rpm -i php-pecl-ssh2-0.11.0-2.fc11.i586.rpm
# echo “extension=ssh2.so” >> /etc/php.ini
# service httpd restart
can u teach me how to install Centreon-Syslog module at FAN 2.0, because i do that just like written at above, i got some error like missing dependencies and more…
Thanks for your kind reply
Gorlz, I could not getting it working 100% either. I invite u to check on the centreon forum about it here is the link