This script was written by me a while back (still has an old version of the CLI)
I found a minor bug, when using non integer values (decimal values) causes a problem,
bash does not handle it very well.
Anyone who feels like updating and fixing please do so.
It works for anything that is on Cloud Watch!
Exemple (debug mode):
./ –d “LoadBalancerName=lbinfvarnish” –n “AWS/ELB” –t Latency –p 60 –s Average –w 1 –c 2
Processing Args –d ‘LoadBalancerName=lbinfvarnish’ –n ‘AWS/ELB’ –t ‘Latency’ –p ’60’ –s ‘Average’ –w ‘1’ –c ‘2’ —
Option –d is LoadBalancerName=lbinfvarnish
Option –n is AWS/ELB
Option –t is Latency
Option –p is 60
Option –s is Average
Option –w is 1
Option –c is 2
mon-get-stats Latency –namespace ‘AWS/ELB’ –statistics Average –period 60 –dimensions ‘LoadBalancerName=lbinfvarnish’
Result of cmd is: 0
OK – LoadBalancerName=lbinfvarnish Latency=0 |Latency=0
Here is the code:
#!/bin/bash #This script uses AWS command line tools to get information from Amazon CloudWatch metrics #Should be used with nagios #by Felipe Ferreira May 2013 #Requirements: AWS tools installed and working without asking for password (how to setup) #Requirements-link = #SET EC2 CMDS export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64/ export AWS_AUTO_SCALING_HOME=/opt/AutoScaling export AWS_CLOUDWATCH_HOME=/opt/cloudwatch export PATH=$PATH:$AWS_AUTO_SCALING_HOME/bin:$EC2_HOME/bin:$AWS_CLOUDWATCH_HOME/bin export AWS_AUTO_SCALING_URL= export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE=/opt/AutoScaling/key.txt VERBOSE=0 outputDebug() { if [ $VERBOSE -gt 0 ] ; then echo -e "$1" fi } if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then TEMP="-h" else TEMP=`getopt -o vh -l 'versbose,help,d:,n:,t:,p:,s:,w:,c:' -- "$@"` fi outputDebug "Processing Args $TEMP" if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi eval set -- "$TEMP" while true ; do case "$1" in -v|--verbose) VERBOSE=1 ; outputDebug "Verbose Mode ON" ; shift ;; -h|--help) echo "Usage: $0 [--d DIMENSION] [--n NAMESPACE] [--t TYPE] [--p PERIOD] [--s STATISTC(Average|Sum)] [--w WARN] [--c CRITICAL] [-v|--verbose]" ; exit 0;; --d) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; DIMENSION=$2 ; shift 2;; --n) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; NAMESPACE=$2 ; shift 2;; --t) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; TYPE=$2 ; shift 2;; --p) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; PERIOD=$2 ; shift 2;; --s) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; STATS=$2 ; shift 2;; --w) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; WARN=$2 ; shift 2;; --c) outputDebug "Option $1 is $2" ; CRIT=$2 ; shift 2;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Internal error! - found $1 and $2" ; exit 3 ;; esac done CMD="mon-get-stats $TYPE --namespace '${NAMESPACE}' --statistics ${STATS} --period ${PERIOD} --dimensions '${DIMENSION}'" outputDebug "Executing: \n $CMD" #RESULT=`eval ${CMD}|tail -n1|awk '{ printf "%.0f\n",$3}'|cut -b0-4` RESULT=`eval ${CMD}|tail -n1|awk '{ printf "%.0f\n",$3}'` outputDebug "Result of cmd is: $RESULT" if [ "$RESULT" -ge "$CRIT" ]; then echo "CRITICAL - $DIMENSION ${TYPE}=${RESULT} |$TYPE=$RESULT" exit 2 elif [ "$RESULT" -gt "$WARN" ]; then echo "WARNING - $DIMENSION ${TYPE}=${RESULT} |$TYPE=$RESULT" exit 1 else echo "OK - $DIMENSION ${TYPE}=${RESULT} |$TYPE=$RESULT" exit 0 fi