Script to set cache control header to a large S3 bucket
Best let it run on the background. do
nohup /root/ > /root/set_cache.log &
p>Here is the code:
#!/bin/bash # #set cache_control header on large buckets using s3cmd #Felipe Ferreira # # Pre-Req s3cmd and aws-cli #1. list directory and put into a clean file, I did this way: (could have done it with s3cmd) #aws s3 ls s3://lalal-bucket// > /tmp/list.txt #2. clean up and adjust list #cat /tmp/list.txt |awk '{ print $2 }' |awk -F "/" '{ print "s3://lalal-bucket/ /"$1 }' > s3__PRD.lst function timestamp() { date +"%T" } #Now open the file and set each permission FILE="/root/s3_anuncio_PRD.lst" while read DIR do echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" timestamp echo "Working on $DIR " s3cmd --recursive modify --add-header="Cache-Control:max-age=2592000,public" $DIR echo "Done" #exit done < $FILE