This nagios plugin VBS script, gets exactly the amount of CPU a specific Aplication Pool is using, it helps a lot to identify witch site is using more CPU.
It was tested on Windows 2003 only.
I had the help of a MS consultant on this one, thanks Guilherme. His blog is full of cool tips on IIS

Here is the code:

'Script to check a specific IIS App Pool CPU usage
' CheckCPUSite.vbs   
' By Felipe Ferreira and Guilherme Carnevale Jul. 2013
Computername = "."
processName = "w3wp.exe"
CPUCount = 8
MaxCPU = Wscript.Arguments (1)
AppPoolName = Wscript.Arguments (0)
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & ComputerName &"\root\cimv2")
Set colProcess = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select ProcessID,CommandLine from Win32_Process Where Name = '" + ProcessName + "'")
'Set colSystemData = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor", "WQL", wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
    existe = 0
    n = 0
    AppPoolNameAnterior = ""
For Each objProcess in colProcess '//objProcess
    ProcessID = objProcess.ProcessId
    Set colPerfData = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process  Where IDProcess = " & ProcessID)
    For Each objPerfData in colPerfData
        N1 = objPerfData.PercentProcessorTime
        D1 = objPerfData.TimeStamp_Sys100NS
    WScript.Sleep 300
    Set colPerfData = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process  Where IDProcess = " & ProcessID)
    For Each objPerfData in colPerfData
        N2 = objPerfData.PercentProcessorTime
        D2 = objPerfData.TimeStamp_Sys100NS
    Nd = N2 - N1
    Dd = D2 - D1
    PercentProcessorTime = Round((( (Nd/Dd))  * 100)/CPUCount)
    AppPool = Split(objProcess.CommandLine,"""")
     '  if AppPoolNameAnterior <> AppPool(1)  then n = 1
    AppPoolNameAnterior = AppPool(1)
    MaxCPU = cint(MaxCPU)
  if (trim(lcase(AppPoolName)) = trim(lcase(AppPool(1))) ) then
      existe = 1
	  n = n + 1
       If PercentProcessorTime > MaxCPU  then
          ResultadoEstado =  "CRITICAL -"
		  Resultado = Resultado & AppPool(1)  & n & "=" & PercentProcessorTime & " "
		  ExitEstado = "2"
		  Wscript.echo ResultadoEstado & " " & Resultado & " | " &  Resultado
		  wscript.quit "(" & ExitEstado & ")"
          ResultadoEstado =  "OK -"
		  Resultado = Resultado & AppPool(1)  & n & "=" & PercentProcessorTime & " "
		  ExitEstado = "0"
       End If
  End If
 if existe = 1 then
   Wscript.echo ResultadoEstado & " " & Resultado & " | " &  Resultado
   wscript.quit "(" & ExitEstado & ")"
   Wscript.echo "UNKNOWN - Nao existem processos w3wp para este " &  AppPoolName
 End If
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1 thought on “check iis cpu

  1. I have a problem in using the script with pools that have spaces in theyr names, can this be fixed? vb for me it’s just to much.

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