Log Parser sample queries to check the health of your IIS,FTP.
IIS log files queries
These examples assume the log format used is W3C Extended. If a different format is used, the field names may need to be changed.
Get the number of requests and total bytes sent during each hour
SELECT QUANTIZE(TO_TIMESTAMP(date, time), 3600) AS Hour, COUNT(*) AS Total, SUM(sc-bytes) AS TotBytesSent FROM ex*.log GROUP BY Hour ORDER BY Hour
Create a pie chart with the total number of bytes generated by each extension
To use: "LogParser file:ExtensionByte.sql -charttype:PieExploded -charttitle:"Bytes per extension" -categories:off"
SELECT EXTRACT_EXTENSION( cs-uri-stem ) AS Extension, MUL(PROPSUM(sc-bytes),100.0) AS Bytes INTO Pie.gif FROM <1> GROUP BY Extension ORDER BY Bytes DESC
SELECT TOP 20 cs-method, COUNT(*) AS Total, MAX(time-taken) AS MaxTime, AVG(time-taken) AS AvgTime, AVG(sc-bytes) AS AvgBytesSent FROM ex*.log GROUP BY cs-method ORDER BY Total DESC
SELECT TOP 20 cs-uri-stem, COUNT(*) AS Total, MAX(time-taken) AS MaxTime, AVG(time-taken) AS AvgTime, AVG(sc-bytes) AS AvgBytesSent FROM ex*.log GROUP BY cs-uri-stem ORDER BY Total DESC
Get the full HTTP status codes by number of hits
SELECT STRCAT(TO_STRING(sc-status), STRCAT('.', TO_STRING(sc-substatus))) AS Status, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM ex*.log GROUP BY Status ORDER BY Total DESC
For each ASP error, get the Url and the ASP script line number
SELECT EXTRACT_TOKEN(FullUri, 0, '|') AS Uri, EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-query, -1, '|') AS ErrorMsg, EXTRACT_TOKEN(cs-uri-query, 1, '|') AS LineNo, COUNT(*) AS Total USING STRCAT( cs-uri-stem, REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL(cs-uri-query, STRCAT('?', cs-uri-query)) ) AS FullUri FROM ex*.log WHERE (sc-status = 500) AND (cs-uri-stem LIKE '%.asp') GROUP BY Uri, ErrorMsg, LineNo ORDER BY Total DESC
Get requests and full status by number of hits
SELECT STRCAT( cs-uri-stem, REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL(cs-uri-query, STRCAT('?',cs-uri-query)) ) AS Request, STRCAT( TO_STRING(sc-status), STRCAT( '.', COALESCE(TO_STRING(sc-substatus), '?' ) ) ) AS Status, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM ex*.log WHERE (sc-status >= 400) GROUP BY Request, Status ORDER BY Total DESC
Get hit counts for each extension
SELECT EXTRACT_EXTENSION( cs-uri-stem ) AS Extension, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM ex*.log GROUP BY Extension ORDER BY Total DESC
Get authentication and authorization failures
SELECT cs-username, sc-status, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM ex*.log WHERE cs-username IS NOT NULL AND sc-status BETWEEN 401 AND 403 GROUP BY cs-username,sc-status ORDER BY Total DESC
Event log queries
Get logon failures from the Security Event Log
SELECT STRCAT( EXTRACT_TOKEN( Strings, 1, '|'), STRCAT( '', EXTRACT_TOKEN( Strings, 0, '|' ) ) ) AS User, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM Security WHERE EventType = 16 AND EventCategory = 2 GROUP BY User ORDER BY Total DESC
Get logon failure statistics from the Security Event Log
To use: "LogParser file:LogonFailureStats.sql?machine=MyMachineName"
SELECT COUNT(EventID) AS TotalLogonFailures, TO_LOWERCASE(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,0,'|')) AS User, TO_LOWERCASE(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,1,'|')) AS Domain, TO_LOWERCASE(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,5,'|')) AS WorkStation, CASE TO_INT(EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,2,'|')) WHEN 2 THEN 'Interactive - Intended for users who will be interactively using the machine, such as a user being logged on by a terminal server, remote shell, or similar process.' WHEN 3 THEN 'Network - Intended for high performance servers to authenticate clear text passwords. LogonUser does not cache credentials for this logon type.' WHEN 4 THEN 'Batch - Intended for batch servers, where processes may be executing on behalf of a user without their direct intervention; or for higher performance servers that process many clear-text authentication attempts at a time, such as mail or web servers. LogonUser does not cache credentials for this logon type.' WHEN 5 THEN 'Service - Indicates a service-type logon. The account provided must have the service privilege enabled.' WHEN 6 THEN 'Proxy - Indicates a proxy-type logon.' WHEN 7 THEN 'Unlock - This logon type is intended for GINA DLLs logging on users who will be interactively using the machine. This logon type allows a unique audit record to be generated that shows when the workstation was unlocked.' WHEN 8 THEN 'NetworkCleartext - Windows 2000; Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family: Preserves the name and password in the authentication packages, allowing the server to make connections to other network servers while impersonating the client. This allows a server to accept clear text credentials from a client, call LogonUser, verify that the user can access the system across the network, and still communicate with other servers.' WHEN 9 THEN 'NewCredentials - Windows 2000; Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 family: Allows the caller to clone its current token and specify new credentials for outbound connections. The new logon session has the same local identity, but uses different credentials for other network connections.' WHEN 10 THEN 'RemoteInteractive - Terminal Server session that is both remote and interactive.' WHEN 11 THEN 'CachedInteractive - Attempt cached credentials without accessing the network.' WHEN 12 THEN 'CachedRemoteInteractive - Same as RemoteInteractive. This is used for internal auditing.' WHEN 13 THEN 'CachedUnlock - Workstation logon' ELSE EXTRACT_TOKEN(Strings,2,'|') END AS Type INTO DATAGRID FROM %machine%security WHERE EventID IN (529) GROUP BY User,Domain,WorkStation,Type ORDER BY TotalLogonFailures DESC
Get logon successes from the Security Event Log
SELECT STRCAT( EXTRACT_TOKEN( Strings, 1, '|'), STRCAT( '', EXTRACT_TOKEN( Strings, 0, '|' ) ) ) AS User, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM Security WHERE EventType = 8 AND EventCategory = 2 GROUP BY User ORDER BY Total DESC
Get the distribution of EventID values for each Source
SELECT SourceName, EventID, MUL(PROPCOUNT(*) ON (SourceName), 100.0) AS Percent FROM System GROUP BY SourceName, EventID ORDER BY SourceName, Percent DESC
UrlScan queries
Get the clients whose requests have been rejected by UrlScan
ETW log queries
Get the number of hits for each IIS AppPool
To use: "LogParser file:AppPools.sql -fmode:full -providers:”HTTP Service Trace”"
SELECT AppPoolName, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM *.etl WHERE EventTypeName = 'Deliver' GROUP BY AppPoolName ORDER BY Total DESC
ADS queries
Get the IIS Virtual Directories that allow WRITE access
To use: "LogParser file:VirtualDirWrite.sql -i:ADS -class:IIsWebVirtualDir"
SELECT ObjectPath FROM IIS://localhost/W3SVC WHERE BIT_AND(AccessFlags, 0x02) <> 0
NETMON queries
Get the total network bytes per second
SELECT QUANTIZE(DateTime, 1) AS Second, SUM(FrameBytes) FROM myCapture.cap GROUP BY Second
Generic queries
TEXTWORD Input: Get a list of all the words in these text files ordered by number of times they appear
To use: "LogParser file:Words.sql -i:TEXTWORD"
FS Input: Get a list of all the hidden files in the C: drive ordered by their size
To use: "LogParser file:HiddenFiles.sql -i:FS"
SELECT Path, Size FROM C:*.* WHERE NOT Attributes LIKE '%D%' AND Attributes LIKE '%H%' ORDER BY Size DESC
FS Input: Get the distribution of file name lengths in the C: drive
To use: "LogParser file:FilenameLengths.sql -i:FS"
Helper functions
Get the status code in the "status.substatus" form:
STRCAT(TO_STRING(sc-status), STRCAT('.', TO_STRING(sc-substatus))) AS Status
Get the request in the "uri-stem?uri-query" form:
STRCAT(cs-uri-stem, REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL(cs-uri-query,STRCAT('?',cs-uri-query))) AS Request