We need to know if varnish is caching hit ratio is as it should. So I wrote this simple bash plugin for nagios. ./check_hitratio.sh 96 90 OK – 98.67% hit_ratio|hit_ratio=98.67 96 = warning 90 = critical if no arg is […]
Simple bash script using curl to check a website. It works on HTTP and HTTPS. Requirement: curl Usage ./check_http.sh Example: ./check_http.sh ‘http://oglobo.globo.com’ oglobo 1 OK – Site oglobo.globo.com key oglobo time 0.019 |’time’=0.019s;1 Here is the code: #!/bin/bash #Verificar um […]
Yet another log monitoring script.. The date field is very specific for each system and I keep having to refix each time. I like this one about the way it works, it first find the date/time where we want to […]
check_procs: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
When monitoring a server process/services using check_procs plugin On new servers x64 many times you will get this error # ./check_procs -bash: ./check_procs: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory The solution is to install: glibc.i686 : The […]
check iis cpu
This nagios plugin VBS script, gets exactly the amount of CPU a specific Aplication Pool is using, it helps a lot to identify witch site is using more CPU. It was tested on Windows 2003 only. I had the help […]
check how many files in a directory
Script to count how many files exists in directory and subdirectories based on Gerd Stammwitz original script. It is helpfull in some cases, just to find out how many files you have recursive in a directory
check logfiles script
Not so generic way to check ‘any’ logfile for erros I have written at least about 5 variations of this same script. Some more flexible and genereal purpose. But in the end I have been writing customs made out of […]