Our front end varnish servers expierence a lot of traffic and we currently must have a iptables NAT that routes from port 80 to port 81, where the varnish daemon listen to traffic. Doing this we end up using the […]
Cluster MS Check
Another nagios/bash script that verifies if a cluster has performed a failover. This one is used for any microsoft cluster. #!/bin/bash # 2008-07-23 Nereu # edit: Felipe Ferreira 01-2010 TMPDIR=/usr/local/nagios/var PLGDIR=/usr/local/nagios/libexec OK=0 WARN=1 CRIT=2 UNKN=3 if [ “$#” -ne 3 […]
Check Linux Cluster
A simple nagios/bash script to check if a RedHat/CentOS cluster has failedover.It uses the output from the clustat command. The usage is simple the script name and service, example: check_usage IO_Service It has been tested only with a 2 node […]
Centreon Enterprise Server
CES Centreon Enterprise Server I tired the Standard 2.0 64bits (October 31st 2012) Today I tested the CES server I was kind of disappointed to find out that it does not have all Centreon cool tools pre-installed, I guess its […]
TCP Send-Queue
Script to monitor the TCP Send-Queue. Send-Q is retrived from the netstat cmd. ex.: #netstat -anp |more Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name The script syntax example: #check_sendq -w 900 […]
Nagios plugin to verify a FTP site, by uploading a file and testing the time it takes. check_ftp.php #!/usr/bin/php
nagios check printer
Script in vbs that will check if a printer is working correctly and is processing its Documents. In case the same number of documents are in the Queue it will alert, this can be used in nagios with a retry […]