Its out the new version of Centreon 2.0.2
The Detailed changelog is:
# Bugfix #408: Contact massive change : New options for radio button
When we make a massive change on contact, a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ field is required, and it is not good if the change does not impact:
-Reach Centreon frontend
-Admin user
Please add a “null” choice for massive change, like ‘incremental/update’.
# Bugfix #398 Fixes to
# Bugfix #417 centcore.init.d
The way centreon starts has been improved, more info
Bugfix #436
Fixes on /www/include/monitoring/status/Common/common-Func.php
Bugfix #586
No detail found
# Reporting : CSV export now takes correct timeperiod parameters
# Reporting : fixes bug that occured when hosts/services were renamed
# ACL : ServiceGroups are no longer restrictions, they grant access to resources instead
# Enhanced generation of configuration files
# New Centreon logo
# CSS menu is fixed (delimiters are back)

or Direct Download
Installation(upgrade) log file
Bug trac system,
Official changelog,

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3 thoughts on “Download Centreon

  1. Olá Felipe,
    Primeiro que tudo, parabéns pelo teu site/blog, está bastante bom e util!
    Agora a parte mais chata, os problemas no Centreon2.0.2 que tenho tido!
    Instalei tudo tal como mandam as regras, tudo ok, excepto quando chego à parte em que tenho de ir ao WebInterface e configurar o CGI do nagios!
    Em parte alguma do WebInterface do Centreon tenho conteúdos! Sim, não me aparecem conteudos nenhuns no interface do centreon, sem ser o header, o footer e os menus! 🙁
    Será que me podes ajudar dando algumas dicas ?
    Desde já o meu obrigado,
    Abraços 🙂
    Ricardo Ribeiro @

    1. Oi Ricardo,
      Ja vi esse tipo de problema, Nagios atualiza corretamente e Centreon nao?
      Se for assim é problema de NDO da uma olhada no meu post aqui
      boa sorte,

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