I would like to share the ultimate MySQL performance debugger tool. Written by my friend Nereu. The output is like this The code: #!/usr/bin/perl # # 2011-11-03 Nereu # 2011-11-05 Nereu – mytop # use DBI; # EDIT HERE FOR […]
Parse nagios services.cfg
When importing services.cfg from nagios2 to nagios3 with Centreon there are few parameters that must exist, one of them is service_description. In a project I had to import almost 4 thousand services and many did not have a service_description so […]
Parse nagios hosts.cfg
I am in a project to import over 600 servers from old nagios 2.0 to nagios 3.0 / Centreon. So the sysadmins here do not put the address field inside the hosts.cfg, so I either ping 500 servers copy and […]
Howto backup ESX
HOW TO backup ESX 3.0.1 with vmbk.pl This nice perl script allows online backup of Virtual Machines to a remote FTP/SMB/NFS It was written by Massimiliano Daneri, and many other authors contributed it can be downloaded from here How to […]
Perl Open Relay Script
Need to check for open relay servers, here is the script I wrote in perl to auto check from a list of IPs or Hostnames. The hardest part was to grab the response from the server smtp->code() smtp-> message() STDOUT […]
Perl Nagios Plugin
Thanks to Ton Voon now it has become even easier to develop nagios plugins using Perl. A family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios Just Released 6 Jan 2009. HOW TO SETUP Pre-Requisites Perl Modules # cpan # install […]
Squid howto
This week I setup a cool Squid Proxy for our network at the office. What it does? Follow also the HowTo Setup SquidGuard 1. Caches the websites people visit, so it usess less bandwith and improve performance 2. Allow managers […]