#get forecast for genova and rapallo for the next 3 days to http://felipeferreira.net/forecast/forecast-rapallo.html 0 */6 * * * /var/www/wordpress/forecast/forecast.py genova 0 */6 * * * /var/www/wordpress/forecast/forecast.py rapallo There is a great tutorial here: web-scraping-tutorial-python This is the script I wrote […]
check schedulle task nagios
Script to get failed schedulle jobs (plugin for Nagios/Centreon) REQUIRES: schtasks.exe Tested only Windows 2003 For configuring NSCP/NRPE create a .bat file because when called like cscript script/file.vbs does not work! here is the script:
vbs to list all local users of Adminisitrator
VBS Script to list all local users of Adminisitrator and Remote Desktop,id,desctiption,enable/disable, last_login(if local) Here is the script:
Windows Enumerate Servers
Back to some VBS scripting… This script enumerates all Servers on the current domain and test it with a ping then writes to a server.txt file.
Reverse SSH Tunnel
The idea is to have my IP autostart connect to my Cloud server, this way I can remote control my Raspberry PI without having to configure DynDNS and firewall rules. The only requsisite is that PI has internet and run […]
money conversion rate monitoring script
If you want to easly monitor a money conversion rate, here is the script I wrote long long time ago (default is EURO x REAL) ./ moneyconversioncheck –minwarn 3 –maxwarn 4.0 –mincrit 2.8 –maxcrit 4.5 -v Verbose Mode ON EURO […]