I wrote a simple plugin to check the number of established connections to a windows server. Just execute: cmd /c netstat -an |find /i “estab” /c I also wrote a script for Windows Here is the code I have also […]
Monitor Varnish with Nagios
Varnish is an amazing reverse proxy product and it does its job very well, but how can we know that? Or even better how can we know it detected problems in the backed? Currently I monitor those server using hit/ratio […]
monitor microsoft cluster
To find out if your Microsoft cluster did a failover is a boring task to go in the eventviewer or logs. Well I wrote a script that does just that all it needs is check_nt NC_NET plugin on the server […]
Reverse SSH script
This script allow us to connect to a remote server. It can be usefull when a client need remote support. We can mail the script and ask him to execute it. In our linux we create a user called “remote” […]