Microsoft BUG So my old laptop just got updated with a MS destruction patch KB2823324 ! Here is how to fix it 1. boot into Repair Mode, then cmd. Boot and press F8 key 2. Get packages name: dism /image:C:\ […]
Nagios NRPE_NT bug. Well I wrote few scripts that are actually quite complex to run under Windows 2003 Servers, some of them I start getting no output or just the first character output using NRPE_NT or 8b. It seems […]
Nagios/Centreon TroubleShooting
Troubleshooting Nagios/Centreon : I. If Centreon monitor does not update itself (you see nagios different then centreon). Could be a permission problem related to status.log, Read the user nagios emails for problems regarding cron jobs and permissions Check the logs […]