The idea is to have my IP autostart connect to my Cloud server, this way I can remote control my Raspberry PI without having to configure DynDNS and firewall rules. The only requsisite is that PI has internet and run […]
money conversion rate monitoring script
If you want to easly monitor a money conversion rate, here is the script I wrote long long time ago (default is EURO x REAL) ./ moneyconversioncheck –minwarn 3 –maxwarn 4.0 –mincrit 2.8 –maxcrit 4.5 -v Verbose Mode ON EURO […]
Nagios Notify html Script
The default notification script for nagios is very simple, why not get more information on the email. Like: hostgroup, how long has the problem happened, link to the possible documentation. And format it in a nice html table. To work, […]
iptables block country script
My own server is daily attacked by SSH scanner and bruteforce scripts. My fail2ban solution But as I get hammered by China’s ssh I got tired of it and block all China SSH access using iptables. The concept is simples, […]
script to check aws status
This is a bash script made to work with nagios and to automaticly check Amazon AWS status based on the RSS from I did find something similar in Ruby I tried to keep it simple as possible… Here is […]
aws backup script
This is a robust script that backups all instances that have a TAG, Backup=TRUE it generates a AMI images, and snapshots of each Volume, also a nice e-mail with a HTML table nice format. It also prints a BackupExpiration TAG, […]
AWS Cloud Watch bash script
This script was written by me a while back (still has an old version of the CLI) I found a minor bug, when using non integer values (decimal values) causes a problem, bash does not handle it very well. Anyone […]