How to use selenium with nagios_server 1. Install mozilla firefox headless(no GUI) yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb.x86_64 xfonts-base xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi firefox ImageMagick.x86_64 — Starts firefox on virtual gui DISPLAY=:1 firefox & — test and check Xvfb :1 -screen 1 1024x768x24 & […]
check local administrator group
We needed a way to know if anyone has added itself to the Local Administrator group on any servers. So I wrote this script and setup on schedulle task to run each hour. In case any changes happen on the […]
File cleanup script for Linux
Sometimes disks fill up with logs for example, and we the administrators have to login sometimes even wake up just to delete log files! Well this script solves the problem. In this case I used to cleanup Glassfish log files. […]
mytop mysql
I would like to share the ultimate MySQL performance debugger tool. Written by my friend Nereu. The output is like this The code: #!/usr/bin/perl # # 2011-11-03 Nereu # 2011-11-05 Nereu – mytop # use DBI; # EDIT HERE FOR […]
I needed to check if operation was happening. The doubt was, Is the FTP files being copied over every day to the server? To be sure I wrote this PHP script to check. It goes into the FTP server and […]
TIBCO is a leader offering products and services in the EAI (Enterprise Architecture Integration), particularly Message-Oriented-Middleware (MOM). Using its own implementation of JMS calles EMS and the more robust one called Rendezvous (RV) The brilliance of TIBCO is in its […]
vbs script to check services
Script to check services, check_services.vbs I tried developing it so the services could be passed via arguments, but using check_nt (NC_Net) and vbscript I found it impossible when we came along multiple arguments containing spaces, its a shame 🙁 Maybe […]