Script to check services, check_services.vbs I tried developing it so the services could be passed via arguments, but using check_nt (NC_Net) and vbscript I found it impossible when we came along multiple arguments containing spaces, its a shame 🙁 Maybe […]
script to check event viewer
I have written similar script to check for a single server but this time it scans a list of server. It still not integrated with nagios because of the time it takes to execute such script. It does requires 7z.exe […]
Nagios plugin to check folder
This plugin object is to check if a file has been inside certain folder for a period of time and alert if so. It’s still not fully developed so the variables are not passed as arguments but are inside the […]
Script to autmaticly send Alt-Tab
VBS Script to autmaticly send Alt-Tab and switch opened programs Option Explicit Dim objShell Set objShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) Do objShell.SendKeys “%+{TAB}” Wscript.Sleep 300000 Loop
Nagios check_con
I wrote a simple plugin to check the number of established connections to a windows server. Just execute: cmd /c netstat -an |find /i “estab” /c I also wrote a script for Windows Here is the code I have also […]
replicate IIS configuration
Well if you have the mission to keep multiple webservers IIS 6.0 with exactly same setup its not an easy job! I was faced with this challenge and ended up writing yet another vbs script. I played with Microsoft tool […]
Monitor IIS erros with nagios
So How can we know the IIS server is responding to all petitions? Well I found a way to go directly in the IIS log files and get the results from there. They key was logparser Its very usefull to […]