Let’s go thru the Centreon Monitoring System installation one step at a time.We will be using Centos7 x64 it is the official supported version.Pre-Requisite Disable selinuxInstall Centreon Official Repository IMPORTANT: Allow only the Centos7 Base Repo and Centreon Repo – […]
Centreon no Graphics
Troubleshooting Centreon no Graphics (Using centreon brokers 2.11.8 BBDO not nagios NDO) Centos 6.8 x64 centreon-broker-2.11.8-2.el6.x86_64 centreon-broker-cbd-2.11.8-2.el6.x86_64 centreon-broker-cbmod-2.11.8-2.el6.x86_64 centreon-broker-core-2.11.8-2.el6.x86_64 centreon-broker-storage-2.11.8-2.el6.x86_64 PROBLEM Centreon graphics are not updated CAUSE Usualy it is related to centreon-broker not writing in my case I […]
Centreon reporting email
I had created a Nagios Script for auto e-mailing reports. There are two versions available one that just gets the current “Reporting” csv and e-mail it and another one I wrote in python that allows more customization. They are […]
check schedulle task nagios
Script to get failed schedulle jobs (plugin for Nagios/Centreon) REQUIRES: schtasks.exe Tested only Windows 2003 For configuring NSCP/NRPE create a .bat file because when called like cscript script/file.vbs does not work! here is the script:
money conversion rate monitoring script
If you want to easly monitor a money conversion rate, here is the script I wrote long long time ago (default is EURO x REAL) ./ moneyconversioncheck –minwarn 3 –maxwarn 4.0 –mincrit 2.8 –maxcrit 4.5 -v Verbose Mode ON EURO […]
Nagios Notify html Script
The default notification script for nagios is very simple, why not get more information on the email. Like: hostgroup, how long has the problem happened, link to the possible documentation. And format it in a nice html table. To work, […]
Centreon Reporting Dashboard Undetermined
Centreon 2.7.x Reporting Dashboard Undetermined There is a problem with centreon Dashboard where it can not generate the reporting correctly. The evidence of the problem is here: su -l centreon -c “/usr/share/centreon/cron/eventReportBuilder” 2016-05-16 12:03:03 – Starting program… 2016-05-16 12:03:03 – […]