This case I wanted to AUTO RESTART A SERVICE USING NAGIOS. The event_handlers can automaticly handle a alarm, aiming to solving the problem for the administrator. Restart_svc is a batch file inside nrpe_nt folder witch should also be defined inside […]
Uninstall Gnome and Office
If you have a server there is no need of the GUI interface, is there? A good linux admin will never need it. So I am removing it, here are the commands: Remove GUI (Gnome) # apt-get remove gnome* # […]
Squid howto
This week I setup a cool Squid Proxy for our network at the office. What it does? Follow also the HowTo Setup SquidGuard 1. Caches the websites people visit, so it usess less bandwith and improve performance 2. Allow managers […]
Iptables howto
IPTABLES basic commands List current rules: # iptables -L -v Remove all previous rules: # iptables -F Don’t disconnect ESTABLISHED connections: # iptables -A INPUT -m state –state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT Drop any Broadcast and Multicast # iptables -A INPUT […]
Setup Samba Howto
Howto Setup Samba Reference to my newer post (RedHat/CentOS) Install the packet: # apt-get install samba Check your open port: # netstat -an |grep listen No port 139 ? Create the user accounts and sync the password with Samba # […]
Postfix Email System
Mail Agents MUA Mail User Agent – Create new emails, and Read email. Ex.: Thunderbird,Evolution,Outlook,etc.. MTA Mail Transfer Agent – Distribute the emails to other MTAs or Locally. Examples: Postfix MDA Mail Delivery Agent or LDA Local Delivery Agent Handles […]
. . check_by_ssh, Problem with Nagios check_by_ssh plugin is that it requires also the nagios-plugins to be installed on the client server. At least part of the nagios-plugins, because in the end all we need is to perform the local […]