If you are new to the monitoring world and new to Linux, Nagios etc… Do not lose the chance to try out this product, its amazing easy to install. Just download the .iso boot a Virtual Machine poiting the CD […]
Perl Nagios Plugin
Thanks to Ton Voon now it has become even easier to develop nagios plugins using Perl. A family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios Just Released 6 Jan 2009. HOW TO SETUP Pre-Requisites Perl Modules # cpan # install […]
This case I wanted to AUTO RESTART A SERVICE USING NAGIOS. The event_handlers can automaticly handle a alarm, aiming to solving the problem for the administrator. Restart_svc is a batch file inside nrpe_nt folder witch should also be defined inside […]
Currency rate monitor script
Using Nagios I am able to monitor the currency conversion rate, so I can know exactly when to sell my currency and to buy my currency. I wrote a creative plugin to nagios that does just that! Its not my […]
Nagios Nuvola Style
*****Make Nagios Pretty ( Nuvola Style ) First Backup /usr/local/nagios/share/*..html and all stylesheets directory. # tar -cvvf defaultweb.tar /usr/local/nagios/share/ # cd /usr/local/nagios/share # wget http://www.xoroz.com/files/nagiosstyle.zip # unzip nagiosstyle.zip Set the permissions # chown nagios:nagios *.* # chown nagios:nagios -R side […]
Check Exchange Mailbox Size
Check_mboxsize.ws Another Nagios plugin. One of my hardest to write. Note that this will require the Nagios Plugin Service to run as a Administrator Account (local system account) will not work! Script example: …nagios/libexec# ./check_nrpe -H SERVER114 -t 90 -u […]
Nagios NRPE_NT bug. Well I wrote few scripts that are actually quite complex to run under Windows 2003 Servers, some of them I start getting no output or just the first character output using NRPE_NT or 8b. It seems […]