Nagios plugin to check active directory, checkdc.vbs is a script that performs the checks done by dcdiag.exe and parse its output to a nagios format. Right now its a limited script, no arguments and wont allow to select what to […]
Perl Nagios Plugin
Thanks to Ton Voon now it has become even easier to develop nagios plugins using Perl. A family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios Just Released 6 Jan 2009. HOW TO SETUP Pre-Requisites Perl Modules # cpan # install […]
Currency rate monitor script
Using Nagios I am able to monitor the currency conversion rate, so I can know exactly when to sell my currency and to buy my currency. I wrote a creative plugin to nagios that does just that! Its not my […]
Check Exchange Mailbox Size Another Nagios plugin. One of my hardest to write. Note that this will require the Nagios Plugin Service to run as a Administrator Account (local system account) will not work! Script example: …nagios/libexec# ./check_nrpe -H SERVER114 -t 90 -u […]
CheckFileSize VBS for Nagios
Nagio/NRPE_NT VBS Script to check the size of file(s) inside a Folder. IMPORTANT, From nagios you Must pass double slashes Usage: check_filesize -p “path” -f “file(s)” -w -c Example1(script localy using cscript ): check_filesize -p “E:mdbdata” -f priv1.edb,priv1.stm,pub1.edb,pub1.stm -w 5000 […]
Exchange Top Senders Nagios Plugin
Well I just went back to this old script, I rewrote so it will now work with Nagios. The output is simple and just reports total Top emailers, the script also requires/takes 3 arguments topemailers.vbs 3 5000 10000 would report […]