#get forecast for genova and rapallo for the next 3 days to http://felipeferreira.net/forecast/forecast-rapallo.html 0 */6 * * * /var/www/wordpress/forecast/forecast.py genova 0 */6 * * * /var/www/wordpress/forecast/forecast.py rapallo There is a great tutorial here: web-scraping-tutorial-python This is the script I wrote […]
chroot mount bind
mkdir -v -p /sftp/root/${USER}/home chown root.root /sftp/root/${USER} mount –bind //${DIR} /sftp/root/${USER}/home useradd -g tomcat -s /sbin/nologin ${USER} sshd_config Match Group tomcat AllowTcpForwarding no ForceCommand internal-sftp -u 0002 -d home ChrootDirectory /sftp/root/%u All folder must have permission as 777, so I […]
Deploy Weblogic bash script
To deploy a simple ear I did: ${JAVA_BIN} -cp ${WL_JAR} weblogic.Deployer -adminurl t3://${HOST_NAME}:${HOST_PORT} -user ${HOST_USER} -password ${HOST_PASS} -targets ${SERVER} -deploy -upload ${TMP_DIR}${DEPLOYEAR} -name ${APPNAME} But on the second script I had to do a stop(kill) of the server, cleanup the […]
Block IP bash script
Still working hard to keep my server security locked down from attacks. This script checks lighttpd logfile for unusual behaviour Script to monitor and block IPs spaming in varios ways my Word Press and SQUID Server Update 07/2016 tested on […]
Centreon reporting email
I had created a Nagios Script for auto e-mailing reports. There are two versions available one that just gets the current “Reporting” csv and e-mail it and another one I wrote in python that allows more customization. They are […]
centos 7 disable useless services
This some of the tuning I do on a centos 7 install REMOVE USLESS NETWORK INTERFACE brctl delbr virbr0 systemctl get-default systemctl set-default multi-user.target DISABLE USELESS SERVICESON GUI INSTALLS: ON BASIC WEB INSTALLS: systemctl disable firewalld.service irqbalance.service abrtd.service polkit.service smartd.service […]
python nagios scrape
Wrote a script in python using beautiful soap to scrub a web page.