These script can be usefull when we want to know or map where are all our websites located. It is also capable of querying remote servers like getAllWebSistesIIS.vbs WEB2 I did like getAllWebSistesIIS.vbs WEB2 >> web2sites.txt and then I imported […]
Parse nagios services.cfg
When importing services.cfg from nagios2 to nagios3 with Centreon there are few parameters that must exist, one of them is service_description. In a project I had to import almost 4 thousand services and many did not have a service_description so […]
Parse nagios hosts.cfg
I am in a project to import over 600 servers from old nagios 2.0 to nagios 3.0 / Centreon. So the sysadmins here do not put the address field inside the hosts.cfg, so I either ping 500 servers copy and […]
Reverse SSH script
This script allow us to connect to a remote server. It can be usefull when a client need remote support. We can mail the script and ask him to execute it. In our linux we create a user called “remote” […]
Get Local Admins
Remotely Get Local Admins Users inside Administrators group, for Workstations Also tests the connectivity, it gets computers from AD object type “computer” and it prints out a nice report. ‘Remotely Get Local Admins Users inside Administrators group, for […]
Linux connection check
Ubuntu 8.10 Hardy Connectivity Check, Internet Connection test and repair. I am not sure why but my ubuntu at home keeps losing the connection and I have to manualy disable and enable Network Manager. So I wrote this: -> Each […]
Skype client linux +sms
skype client linux +sms For some reason the default Skype for Linux is missing many many functions. Can not even send a simple SMS, like with the windows version. Well there is open API and people have worked it quite […]