Upgrade Centreon to 2.1.8

Upgrade Centreon to 2.1.8 wget http://download.centreon.com/index.php?id=140 tar -zxvf centreon-2.1.8.tar.gz cd centreon-2.1.8 bash install.sh -u /etc/centreon (INFO, find / -name instCent*.conf will show u the directory) Go to the http:///centreon And follow the instructions *INFO: For update Centreon ( > 2.0) […]

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Upgrade nagios 3.0.3 to 3.0.6

Upgrading From Previous Nagios 3.x Releases As newer alpha, beta, and stable releases of Nagios 3.x are released, you should strongly consider upgrading as soon as possible. Newer releases usually contain critical bug fixes, so its important to stay up […]

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