Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Desktops (Recommended)

You can easily upgrade over the network with the following procedure.

  1. Open the Update Manager application from the System ? Administration menu.
  2. In Update Manager, click the Settings… button, and enter your password to start the Software Sources application.
  3. Select the sub menu Updates from the Software Sources application.
  4. Check the “Release upgrade – Show new distribution releases” drop down to make sure “Normal releases” is selected, and change it if otherwise.
  5. Close the Software Sources application and return to Update Manager.
  6. In Update Manager, click the Check button to check for new updates.
  7. If there are any updates to install, use the Install Updates button to install them, and press Check again after that is complete.
  8. A message will appear informing you of the availability of the new release.
  9. Click Upgrade.
  10. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Network Upgrade for Kubuntu Desktops (Recommended)

Direct upgrades to Kubuntu 11.04 are supported from Kubuntu 10.10 only.
Upgrade Kubuntu 10.10 to 11.04

Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers (Recommended)

  1. Install update-manager-core if it is not already installed:
    sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
  2. edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal
  3. Launch the upgrade tool:
    sudo do-release-upgrade
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
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