I had created a Nagios Script for auto e-mailing reports. There are two versions available one that just gets the current “Reporting” csv and e-mail it and another one I wrote in python that allows more customization. They are […]
nagios report
I have a custom script to generate monthly reports about Hosts and Services. The syntax is pretty simple: * /usr/local/nagios/libexec/report.pl –email=fel.h2o@gmail.com –type=monthlyservice –debug=0 /usr/local/nagios/libexec/report.pl –email=emailme@gmail.com –type=monthlyservice –debug=1 I usually add it to run once a month one for service and […]
outlook auto reply rule +2003
Exchange server-side Auto reply rule. Tested and it works on Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003. 1. Open your Exchange System Manager 2. Expand your “global Settings Folder” 3. Right Click on “Internet Message Formats” 4. Select the “Advanced” tab 5. […]
Script to automatically get emails from pop3
Script to automaticly get emails from pop3 servers using getmail allows multiple downloads, auto search. Requirements: Perl, Perl Regexp::Trie and Net::POP3. Both can be easly installed via cpan interface or Download from here Create a special user account called downmx […]
Postfix Email System
Mail Agents MUA Mail User Agent – Create new emails, and Read email. Ex.: Thunderbird,Evolution,Outlook,etc.. MTA Mail Transfer Agent – Distribute the emails to other MTAs or Locally. Examples: Postfix MDA Mail Delivery Agent or LDA Local Delivery Agent Handles […]
Outlook Macro to forward emails
. . I just wrote my first Outlook VBA code, it searches the body of the email for a email and forwards that email to it. Just creat a new rule right click on the email and call it, it […]