nagios report

I have a custom script to generate monthly reports about Hosts and Services. The syntax is pretty simple: * /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ – –type=monthlyservice –debug=0 /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ – –type=monthlyservice –debug=1 I usually add it to run once a month one for service and […]

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Centreon Reporting shows states as “undetermined”

Centreon Reporting shows states as “undetermined” Problem: The hosts and services are correctly monitored in the “Monitoring” module but in the “Reporting” module all states are shown as undetermined. Solution: To get straight to the point: it is most likely, […]

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Exchange Top Email senders (from SMTP out)

Description: Get Top SPammers/Emailers and Send Output Report Via Email , Highly Customized. Can also automaticly Act upon these possibly Spammers by 3 levels of DisableAct, level 0 nothing, 1 REDUCE MAX RECIPIENT, 2 Disable from AD /add to Exchange […]

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