Troubleshooting Nagios/Centreon : I. If Centreon monitor does not update itself (you see nagios different then centreon). Could be a permission problem related to status.log, Read the user nagios emails for problems regarding cron jobs and permissions Check the logs […]
. . check_by_ssh, Problem with Nagios check_by_ssh plugin is that it requires also the nagios-plugins to be installed on the client server. At least part of the nagios-plugins, because in the end all we need is to perform the local […]
Install NRPE in Linux
. . Overview of NRPE: Installing and Configuring Nagios NRPE in Linux: # cd /tmp # wget # tar -zxvf nrpe-2.12.tar.gz # cd nrpe-2.12 # ./configure –enable-ssl –enable-command-args (should create users/groups) General Options: ————————- NRPE port: 5666 NRPE user: […]
Nagios Check BackupExec
I wrote a new way of checking Exchange Backups, simple just needed to check the in AD the “Last time backup” of the Storage Group. I wrote the much simpler and much more precise script to monitor Exchange Servers Backup. […]
CheckFileSize VBS for Nagios
Nagio/NRPE_NT VBS Script to check the size of file(s) inside a Folder. IMPORTANT, From nagios you Must pass double slashes Usage: check_filesize -p “path” -f “file(s)” -w -c Example1(script localy using cscript ): check_filesize -p “E:mdbdata” -f priv1.edb,priv1.stm,pub1.edb,pub1.stm -w 5000 […]
Backup nagios
. . Nagios/Linux easy backup method No backup tapes, no FTP. Just simple, mount a remote share and put files there. The important part is to mount the share when the system starts up, so we will could also edit […]
Webinject How to
When monitoring websites many times we will need more then just check if the site is up. We may need to see if the internals of the website is working, a good example is making a user login check. Using […]