To be able to execute the many API command line tools you will need to setup and configure the authentication correctly. This will help you to do just that. 1. Download the Autoscalling CLI, CloudWatch and ec2-API-Tools cd /opt wget […]
Linux network tools
This is a small list of some really nice linux tools I recommend every sysadmin to have somewhere. dstat Combines vmstat, iostat, ifstat, netstat information and more vnstat The best to monitor how much data was transfered tx/rx iftop […]
vote for best monitoring tool
Show your love for Nagios by voting in the poll! NOTE: If you haven’t participated on the LQ forum, before you’ll have to create an account and post a new message before you can vote. The options are: Nagios Zabbix […]
website performance tools
So how can we now a website is working how it should. As far as performance, server settings, code etc… Well there are lots of tools out there but the best ones I have came across are: Firefox AddOn Firebug […]
Reporting in Nagios Centreon
Contents New Version 2017 for Centreon Reporting Auto E-Mail 1. Centreon Reports 2. Nagios Reports 3. Posible Improvements 4. Othe tools Links 1.Centreon Reports It has a very nice web interface, but In my opnion Centreon lacks a lot in […]
Network Monitor Tools List
Network Monitoring Tools: Well I have real world experience as an administrator using many network monitoring tools, the main ones I have used are: Nagios with Oreon interface and many custom plugins, MOM (Microsoft Operations Manger 2005), CA-NSM r3.1,r11.1(Computer Associates, […]