I had created a Nagios Script for auto e-mailing reports. There are two versions available one that just gets the current “Reporting” csv and e-mail it and another one I wrote in python that allows more customization. They are […]
Centreon Reporting Dashboard Undetermined
Centreon 2.7.x Reporting Dashboard Undetermined There is a problem with centreon Dashboard where it can not generate the reporting correctly. The evidence of the problem is here: su -l centreon -c “/usr/share/centreon/cron/eventReportBuilder” 2016-05-16 12:03:03 – Starting program… 2016-05-16 12:03:03 – […]
Reporting in Nagios Centreon
Contents New Version 2017 for Centreon Reporting Auto E-Mail 1. Centreon Reports 2. Nagios Reports 3. Posible Improvements 4. Othe tools Links 1.Centreon Reports It has a very nice web interface, but In my opnion Centreon lacks a lot in […]
Centreon Reporting shows states as “undetermined”
Centreon Reporting shows states as “undetermined” Problem: The hosts and services are correctly monitored in the “Monitoring” module but in the “Reporting” module all states are shown as undetermined. Solution: To get straight to the point: it is most likely, […]